Offer Manager by ShowingTime is turned off by default, as of October 13, 2022. To use Offer Manager it needs to be activated on your account.
NOTE: Broker Approval is required prior to the agents in that brokerage using Offer Manager. If you have questions about this, please check with your Broker prior to enabling Offer Manager.
To Opt-In to Offer Manager from Paragon go to Preferences > Showing Time Preferences
Click on "Edit Profile" and then scroll down to the section called "Listing Agent - Offer Preferences"
To activate Offer Manager on your listings, please ensure that "YES" is selected on the screen shown above.
Once you save this setting Offer Manager is activated for your account and applies to all your listings.
Opt-in Individual Listings
If you want to individually set this for specific listings. then from the Showing Time Page select "My Listings" on the left menu bar.
If Offer Manager is individually set on or off for a listing it will appear as shown in the image below, indicated with a ribbon that says "Offer Form is Off" if Offer manager is NOT active.
To set this for an individual listing, click on one of the selected properties, then click on the + symbol in the listing page to open the pop-up.
Click on the icon beside "Offer Form On/Off" to toggle a window where you can set the Offer Manager for this specific listing