When you save a listing, two new options will be available for you to share your active and pending listings on Facebook and Twitter.
The first listing agent will be able to post via the Congratulations pop-up after saving a listing and Select an Action on the Maintain Listing page.
Congratulations pop-up window.
Select an Action pop-up window.
Post to Facebook
1. From the Congratulations or Select an Action pop-up window, click Facebook.
Note: If you are not signed into Facebook, a blank pop-up window will open. Open a new tab and sign into Facebook, then try clicking Facebook in Paragon again.
2. A Post to Facebook pop-up window will open for you to set up your post. Here you can choose where it will be posted, add a description and select who can see the post.
Sample Post:
Sample Story:
3. The link in the Facebook post or message will redirect the recipient to a CollabLink landing page.
When the listing goes off-market, the CollabLink URL hyperlink expires the following error will be displayed when the CollabLink URL hyperlink is selected.
Post to Twitter
1. From the Congratulations or Select an Action pop-up window, click Twitter.
2. A Compose new Tweet pop-up window will open and you can add additional text and choose who can reply to your tweet before publishing it. NOTE: You may be asked to sign into your Twitter account before sending the tweet.
Sample Post:
3. The link in the Facebook post or message will redirect the recipient to a CollabLink landing page.
When the listing goes off-market, the CollabLink URL hyperlink expires the following error will be displayed when the CollabLink URL hyperlink is selected.