You can view Tax Information by running a search
You can also view Title Registration Information that will show recent sales transactions on that property.
Paragon tax provides an integrated tax database which links listings and tax records. From the tax search results, you can autofill directly into a new listing or view a list of property history via MLS® Link.
Run a Tax Search in Paragon
You can click on the Tax icon from any current listing in Paragon or you can also run a separate search just for Taxes.
1. Click on Tax on the navigation menu bar, then click Tax Search.
2. The Tax Search screen provides numerous ways to search, including the Linc No (A), Tax Roll (B), Address (C) and Legal Information (D).
3. To search for an address, ensure the Address-Number (more commonly called Street Number) has the Min and Max search boxes filled in. If you are looking for a single property address, enter the number in both boxes.
4. To view results, click Search.
NOTE: If you have zero results found?
No results will be found for properties located in a municipality or county that does not provide RAE with tax information. If the information for a municipality has not been shared with RAE, you will have to contact the municipality directly.
Click here for a list of municipalities and counties that provide tax information.
5. To view a detailed report, click on the Linc No.
6. Using the action bar, you can Print (A), Autofill (B) tax information into a new listing input or view the history under Actions (C).
7. To view listing history, select the checkmark box beside the listing. Click Actions, then click MLS® Link.
NOTE: For the city of Edmonton, the lot size for Condos is the unit shares of each unit as identified from the condo plan for all the units divided by 10000 unit shares into the total master GIS size. Example-140/10000X2090.760 sq/meters =29.270m2 or 315.060 sq/ft.
To view Title History Information
If we have Title Information, when viewing the Tax report you will see the data at the bottom.
We are working on updating as soon as we acquire additional land title data.
Q: How much data do we currently have in our MLS® Database?
A: The RAE is constantly working on this project. We have added Land titles sales history for Edmonton from 2023 to August 2024 and are adding more data as it becomes available.