How to cancel a Pending listing
NOTE: If the Listing has an Expiry Date that has passed, you must submit the cancellation of Pending to your office or the MLS® Help Desk. Changing the Listing to Active on an Expired Listing will put the Listing into a "Hold" status and will not be searchable by anyone, including the listing agent.
The system will automatically flip the Listing to Expired during the overnight Paragon Listing Update Process.
1. Click on Listings in the menu. Under Maintain, click on Listings.
2. Under Status, the default will always say Active. You must manually select Pending. Then click Search.
3. Find the property on the list and click the Listing ID# or double-click on the row.
4. Before changing the status, double-check the expiry date.
If it hasn't passed, change the status to Active.
5. Click Save Listing.
6. Click Save on the Hotsheet Record pop-up window. Your changes are now saved.