As of November 23, 2021, all broker load users can report active listings as pending and revert pending listings back to active.
You can report a pending 2 ways:
Paragon Connect
1. On the dashboard, tap Sellers to view all your currently active and pending listings.
2. On the listing you need to report pending, tap Edit.
3. Tap Legal Info, then change the status from Active to Pending.
4. Croll down the screen to the Pending container. Tap to open. Enter in the pending information.
5. Tap Save.
Paragon Classic
1. Click on Listings in the menu. Under Maintain, click on Listings.
2. Find the property on the list and click the Listing ID# or double-click on the row.
3. Enter pending under the status field.
NOTE: Other status options may appear to be selectable but only Brokers, Managers and RAE Staff can change status to Sold, Terminated or Expired.
Changing to a non-permitted status will generate an error when trying to save the listing.
4. Scroll down and click on the Pending container.
5. Enter the Offer Date and Pending Date. The Offer Date cannot be in the future and is the date the offer was written. The Pending Date is the date conditions are to be removed. Terms of conditions are optional.
6. Click Save Listing.
7. Click Save on the Hotsheet Record pop-up window. Your changes are now saved.
In order to edit your own Pending listings, you will need to filter for them after going to Maintain Listings.
To do so, under Status, use the drop-down menu to select Pending and then hit the Search button to the right.