Feature (Multi-Select) Search
Allows you to refine your search beyond bedrooms and bathrooms and focus on the aesthetics of the buyers’ ideal property. Using a Feature (Multi-Select) Search filters your results to “high probability” buy properties. The results have the desired features without any of the undesirable features making the results ideal properties for your buyers.
Selections are category-based and can be merged into a very specific search.
Using “Must have 1 or More” is recommended for Features like “Heating” if the buyers want either Gas or Electric or Heat Pump – “Show if the property has at least 1” in the Feature Category.
If you add criteria from multiple categories, the selections stay within the categories but they overlap into all selections made in all categories. Selecting "Must Have 1 or More" means that you must have those items in your search results based on each category that you make your selection in.
If you select from 3 different categories and select "Must have 1 or more" in each category.
The resulting properties must have all 3 of these items to meet the criteria, so it would have an Air Conditioner AND also have Carpet AND also be a Corner Lot.
NOTE: It is not one or more across all categories, just within each category.
Let's try just searching in bathrooms and ensuites
The resulting properties MUST have either a 2, 3 or 4 pc bath AND it must also have a 4 pc ensuite.
Keeping the searches within each category will help to streamline your results.