Welcome to
The REALTORS® Association of Edmonton
(The RAE)
The introductory email that you would have received, details the mandatory education requirements and also contains your temporary password, (read below how to update this password).
Mandatory Courses (Must be completed within 60 days of applying)
The six courses that must be completed are a combination of online and in-class.
- Keys to Succeed (eLearning, Dick and Jane and In-person)
- Paragon Essentials (eLearning and In-person)
- Tech Tools (eLearning and In-person)
- CREA's Trademarks (CREA eLearning)
- REALTOR® Code of Ethics (CREA eLearning)
- FINTRAC (RAE eLearning)
- Brokerload (RAE eLearning) - this course is optional, but required if you want to upload your own listings to Paragon.
Courses must be completed within 60 days of applying and until your application is complete and you have been approved by the Board of Directions, you will only have temporary access to RAE services. No-shows are assessed at a fee of $75. At least 48-hours notice must be given for any cancellations/transfers or the cancellation fee will be applied.
Application Access
You would have received your RAE Login and temporary password (in the Welcome Email).
You will need to sign in to the Member Portal to change your temporary password, prior to logging in to Paragon.
- Visit Member Portal here: realtorsofedmonton.com
- Click Access Member Area in the top right
- Type your Login ID in the corresponding field on the screen and type your temporary password into the password field.
- Click the login button.
- When you are prompted, follow the steps and enter the three security questions and choose your new password.
- Now you can log in to Paragon
(NOTE: you may need to wait up to 15 minutes for your password registration to complete)
Profile Setup
Login to the Member Portal at https://realtorsofedmonton.com then click "Login" at the top right (use your RAE Login credentials) then click "My Account" at the top right and select "My Profile" to set up your personal information, spoken languages, specialties and designations, and email addresses. (More information on this will be covered in the Tech Tools course.)
Upload your REALTOR.ca Profile Photo under member.REALTOR.ca > My Profile. Sign in using your RAE Login. (More information on this will be covered in the Tech Tools course.)
Course Information
Take Keys to Succeed Online Part 1, prior to registering for and attending the in-person Part 2 workshop.
Once you have completed the mandatory webinar, Paragon Essentials and Tech Tools make sure you click here to check all the other available courses.
For all course dates and registrations, visit Professional Development on the Member Portal.
Complete CREA’s REALTOR® Code of Ethics Online Course
Edit your profile for CREA’s REALTOR® Action Network (RAN), an advocacy platform exclusively for REALTORS®.
Visit Member Services Hub to lease an electronic key device or purchase a key box.
(Check with your brokerage beforehand regarding their policy on key boxes.)
NOTE: Supra is the ONLY approved Keybox allowed within the RAE
What happens next?
Within four to six weeks of completing the mandatory entry requirements, you will receive your membership approval letter from the President & CEO, via email.
Remember the RAE team is here to help you and we welcome your questions. Please contact membershub@therae.com, at 780-453-9329 or 780-453-9393 or Toll-Free at 1-888-674-7479.
Here are some application URLs that could be bookmarked for quicker access:
Paragon URL:
rae.paragonrels.com -
The RAE Member Portal:
realtorsofedmonton.com -
REALTORS® Association of Edmonton
www.realtorsofedmonton.com -
Click here to see a list of all the APPS that are recommended to be installed on your smartphone
Click here to see descriptions of all the educational training sessions available.