The membership application is only available on the Member Portal. To access, you will need to sign in with your RAE Login information. Since majority of the time, the applicant is new and does not have any login information yet, the Broker or Manager must start the application process.
The following steps will guide you through filling out the form and sending to the applicant for them to complete.
Start the Membership Application
Step 1: On the Member Portal, go to Forms & Resources, open the Application or Termination Forms menu and click "View Form" on the Associate Membership Form line.
Step 2: Follow the onscreen instructions to fill out the first page of the application and sign.
Step 3: Once complete, click Click to Sign.
Delegate the Membership Application to your applicant
Step 4: Complete Participant 2's first name, last name and email address to send the application to your new applicant.
***Important Note*** Make sure to enter an email address the applicant has immediate access so they can complete the application as soon as possible. |
Confirm your email address with Adobe
Step 5: Adobe Sign requires the first participant of a web form, such as the Membership Application, to verify their email with Adobe. Enter your email address and then click Click to Sign.
Step 6: Go to your email inbox and look for an email like the one below. It is sent from with the subject line "Please confirm our signature on RAE Membership Application Form."
Step 7: Click Confirm my email address in the email. A new browser tab will open letting you know your email is now verified and you can close the tab.
***Important Note*** The applicant will NOT receive the form to complete and sign until you have confirmed your email with Adobe Sign. |
Copy of the complete form
After the applicant has completed the form, a pdf copy will automatically be emailed to yourself, the applicant and the Members Services Hub at the Association. You will also be able to open it online to review its activity history.
The Applicants View
The following will show you what the applicant side of the process looks like. At the bottom of the page, you will also find a quick guide you can send to your applicant on how to complete the form.
Email requesting Applicant's signature
Once you have signed the membership application and confirmed your email address with Adobe Sign, your new applicant will receive an email like the one below. It is sent from with the subject line "Signature requested on RAE Membership Application Form."
To open the membership application, they would click on Review and sign.
Next, they would follow the on-screen instructions to complete the membership application.
Once complete, they will sign the membership application, then click Click to Sign.