LifeWorks sign up
Step One
From the Member Portal, click on "View all/Edit Favourites" at the bottom of the "My Tools" box and then click on "LifeWorks"
Or you can also access it directly by going to:
Step Two
If you have never registered for LifeWorks before, click Sign-Up:
Step Three
Enter your Invitation Code. Your invitation code will be RAE – hyphen – member ID. For instance, if Bob Smith RAE ID is E1234567, he would sign up using RAE-E1234567.
To find your RAE ID on the Member Portal > My Account then click on My Profile under your name.
Once you enter your Invitation Code > Continue.
Step Four
You will then be prompted to enter a unique Code – which is your Member Username.
To find your RAE ID on the Member Portal > My Account then click on My Profile under your name.
Click Continue.
Step Five
You first and last name will be auto-populated. Enter the email address you would like to use for Lifeworks. Click Next.
Step Five
You will have to agree to the Terms and Conditions and the Privacy Policy. Click Sign Up.
Step Six
You will then be directed into Lifeworks.
Note: You can download an app to your smartphone for quick access once you are inside the app.
Lifeworks permits you to create accounts for up to 5 personal family members, invite them from inside of Lifeworks.

Nobody at The RAE will know what you do inside the application, it is completely private and confidential.