ML Documents
ML Documents gives you quick access to our association's online library where you will find your listing input forms, maps, broker load policies, and other documents and forms.
ML Documents contains three folders: Maps, MLS® Help Desk and Templates.
Zone Map – Map of Edmonton labeled by zone
City Quadrants – A list of communities arranges by zone and which quadrant they are located in
Lake and Summer Properties - A list of Rural Lakes and Summer property communities and their associated zones
Rural Zone Map – A map labeled by zone of rural communities/towns surrounding Edmonton
MLS® Help Desk
You will find a copy of the Brokerload policy, sales reports and cancellation of sales, input forms for all four classes, and the hold harmless form.
At the click of your mouse, you will be able access a large number of email templates for you to use in your emails, and you simply have to personalize the emails and CMA's.
All of these templates will open in a word document, and you just have to copy and paste them into your document.
Rental Contracts
You will find copies of all of the rental forms the RAE has here