In the My Saved Search window, you can select a previously saved search and view market trends or reports, or you can create a new search.
1 - Display the Trends Chart for your selected search
2 - Display the Report for your selected search
3 - Edit your selected search
4 - Rename your selected search
5 - Discard your selected search
6 - Create a new search
Once you create a search as shown below the system will prompt you to name your search or it will appear in the list as "Untitled Search" and you will need to click on number 4 to rename it.
To create a new search
Clicking the green "+ New Search" icon on the bottom of the screen will open up a page asking you to select the type of search you wish to do.
Map Search
Map Search will allow you to move the map with your mouse holding down the mouse button and moving the map. If you hold down the CTRL button and scroll with your mouse wheel you can zoom in and out.
Once you have the map in the area that you wish to search, click the Pen icon in the top right corner to draw the area that you wish to search for properties.
NOTE: If you wish to draw a second area you can move the map and draw as many shapes as you wish. If you want to delete one of the shapes, click on the shape and then on the trash can in the top right corner. TO delete all the shops, click on "Reset" in the bottom of the window.
Click "Search", a window will display showing you a partial list of the properties.
NOTE: Only click on "+ Add" once your criteria have been entered, you can't go back and edit the criteria after you click it.
Click the green "Refine" icon to specify property class, type, style and a number of additional fields to help narrow down your results.
You can click on the small "x" beside any items you no longer want as part of your criteria.
Then click "Search" and it will take you back to the review listings page. If you click on "back" in the bottom left corner it will take you back to the main new search window where you can click on Map or Area Search if you wish to add additional sections or narrow down by neighbourhood.
Once you are satisfied click on "+ Add" and the system will take you back to the home screen.
Click here to learn more about Market Trends Graphs
Click here to learn more about Market Trends Reports