Are you having issues getting driving directions for rural properties? Paragon Classic has a feature to help you out!
When you are on the driving directions pop-up window, you now have the option to use the 'Map Pin Location' to send to Google Maps instead of the addresses. This means it will use the location the listing agent manually pinned for the map location. Learn how to get driving directions below.
Note, even though moving the map pin is mandatory when saving a listing, it is still based on where the user places it and it may not be correct.
1. Click Search, then select the class you want to search. In this example we will use the Rural Class.
2. Enter the search criteria for your client, then click Search.
3. Select up to 9 listings. Hover over More, then click Driving Directions.
4. Select your Starting Location or enter a custom address. 5. Choose how you want the driving directions to be found by Google Maps.
6. Once you completed the options, click Get Directions. |
Here you can reorder addresses by dragging and dropping the address, zoom in\out, change map views, rotate the map, print the directions with\without the map, email or text the directions to their phones, share the directions via social media, and more.